One DND Monk by Gayzerbeam (2024)

OneDnd Monk

LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesMartial ArtsKi PointsUnarmoured movement
1st+2Martial Arts, Unarmored Defense1d6
2nd+2Ki, Unarmored Movement, Uncanny Metabolism1d62+10 ft
3rd+2Deflect Attacks, Monk Subclass1d63+10 ft
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall1d64+10 ft
5th+3Extra Attack, Stunning Strike1d85+10 ft
6th+3Empowered Strikes, Subclass Feature1d86+15 ft
7th+3Evasion1d87+15 ft
8th+4Ability Score Improvement1d88+15 ft
9th+4Acrobatic Movement1d89+15 ft
10th+4Heightened Ki, Self-Restoration1d810+20 ft
11th+4Subclass Feature1d1011+20 ft
12th+4Ability Score Improvement1d1012+20 ft
13th+5Deflect Energy, Tongue of the Sun and Moon1d1013+20 ft
14th+5Diamond Soul1d1014+25 ft
15th+5Perfect Ki1d1015+25 ft
16th+5Ability Score Improvement1d1016+25 ft
17th+6Subclass Feature1d1217+25 ft
18th+6Empty Body1d1218+30 ft
19th+6Ability Score Improvement1d1219+30 ft
20th+6Body and Mind1d1220+30 ft

Class Features

As a monk, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per monk level after 1st


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons that have the Light property
  • Tools: Choose one type of Artisan’s Tools orMusical Instrument
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Shortsword or (b) Any Simple Weapon
  • (a) a Dungeoneer Pack or (b) An Explorer’s Pack
  • 10 Darts

Unarmoured Defense

At level 1, while you aren’t wearing any armor or wieldinga Shield, your base Armor Class equals 10 plusyour Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers.

Martial Arts

Additionally, Your practice of martial arts gives you masteryof combat styles that use your Unarmed Strikeand Monk Weapons, which are Simple MeleeWeapons and Martial Weapons with the Lightproperty.

You gain the following benefits while you areunarmed or wielding only Monk Weapons andyou aren’t wearing armor or wielding a Shield:

  • Bonus Unarmed Strike. You can make oneUnarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.
  • Dexterous Attacks. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damagerolls of your Unarmed Strikes and MonkWeapons. In addition, when you choose theGrapple or Shove option, you can use yourDexterity modifier instead of Strength todetermine the saving throw DC.

  • Martial Arts Die. You can roll a d6 in place ofthe normal damage of your Unarmed Strike orMonk Weapons. This die changes as you gainMonk levels, as shown in the Martial Artscolumn of the Monk table


At 2nd level, your self-focus and martial training allowyou to harness a well of extraordinary energywithin yourself, known as Ki. Your access to this energy isrepresented by a number of Ki Points.

Your Monk level determines the number ofpoints you have, as shown in the KiPoints column of the Monk table.

You can spend these points to fuel certainMonk features. You start knowing three suchfeatures: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, andStep of the Wind, each of which is detailedbelow.

When you spend a Ki Point, it isunavailable until you finish a Short Rest or LongRest, at the end of which you regain all yourexpended points.

Some features that use Ki Pointsrequire your target to make a saving throw. Thesaving throw DC equals 8 plus your ProficiencyBonus plus your Wisdom modifier.

  • Flurry of Blows. You can spend 1 KiPoint to make two Unarmed Strikes as a BonusAction.

  • Patient Defense. You can take the Disengageaction as a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you canspend 1 Ki Point to take both theDisengage and the Dodge actions as a BonusAction.

  • Step of the Wind. You can take the Dash actionas a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you can spend 1Ki Point to take both the Disengage andDash actions as a Bonus Action, and your jumpdistance is doubled for the turn.

Uncanny Metabolism

At level 2, When you roll Initiative, you can regain allexpended Ki Points. When you do so, rollyour Martial Arts die, and regain a number of HitPoints equal to your Monk level plus the numberrolled.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it againuntil you finish a Long Rest.

Unarmoured Movement

Also at 2nd level, Your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren’twearing armor or wielding a Shield. This bonusincreases when you reach certain Monk levels, asshown on the Monk table

Deflect Missles

At level 3, You can use your Reaction to deflect melee andranged attacks against you that dealBludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage.When you do so, the total damage you take fromthe attack is reduced by 1d10 plus yourDexterity modifier plus your Monk level.

If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1Ki Point to redirect some of the attack’sforce. If you do so, choose a creature within 5feet of you if the attack was a melee attack or 60feet of yourself that isn’t behind Total Cover ifthe attack was a ranged attack.

That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw ortake damage equal to two rolls of your MartialArts die plus your Dexterity modifier. Thedamage is the same type dealt by the attack

Monastic Tradition

At level 3, You gain a Monk subclass of your choice:Way of The Shadow, Way ofthe Four Elements, or Way of the Hand. These choices are detailed at the end of the class

A subclass is a specialization that grants youspecial abilities at certain Monk levels. For therest of your career, you gain each of yoursubclass’s features that are of your Monk leveland lower.

Ability Score Improvement

At level 4, You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat oranother feat of your choice for which you qualify.As shown on the Monk table, you gain thisfeature again at levels 8, 12, 16, and 19.

Slow Fall

At level 4, You can use your Reaction when you fall toreduce any damage you take from the fall by anamount equal to five times your Monk level.

Extra Attack

At level 5, You can attack twice, instead of once, wheneveryou take the Attack action on your turn

Stunning strike

Also at level 5, Once per turn when you hit a creature with aMonk Weapon or an Unarmed Strike, you canspend 1 Ki Point to attempt a stunningstrike. The target must make a Constitutionsaving throw. On a failed save, the target has theStunned condition until the End of your nextturn.

On a successful save, the target takes Forcedamage equal to a roll of your Martial Arts dieplus your Wisdom modifier.

Empowered Strikes

Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.


At level 7, When you are subjected to an effect that allowsyou to make a Dexterity saving throw to takeonly half damage, you instead take no damage ifyou succeed on the saving throw, and only halfdamage if you fail.

You don’t benefit from this feature if you havethe Incapacitated condition.

Acrobatic Movement

At level 9, While you aren’t wearing armor or wielding ashield, you gain the ability to move along verticalsurfaces and across liquids on your turn withoutfalling during the movement

Heightened KI

At level 10, Your training has pushed your body and mind tonew levels. Your Flurry of Blows, PatientDefense, and Step of the Wind gain the followingbenefits:

  • Flurry of Blows. You can spend 1 KiPoint to use Flurry of Blows and make threeUnarmed Strikes with it instead of two.

  • Patient Defense. When you spend a KiPoint to use Patient Defense, you gain anumber of Temporary Hit Points equal to tworolls of your Martial Arts die.

  • Step of the Wind. When you spend a KiPoint to use Step of the Wind, you can choose awilling creature within 5 feet of you that isLarge or smaller. You move the creature withyou until the end of your turn. The creature’smovement doesn’t provoke OpportunityAttacks.


At level 10, Through sheer force of will, you can remove oneof the following conditions from yourself at theend of each of your turns: Charmed, Frightened,or Poisoned.

In addition, forgoing food and drink doesn’tgive you levels of Exhaustion.

Deflect Energy

At level 13, you can now use your Deflect Attacks featureagainst attacks that deal any damage type, notjust Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing.

Tongue of the sun and moon

Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki of other minds so that you understand all spoken languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say.

Diamond Soul

Starting at level 14, your physical and mental Ki grant youproficiency in all saving throws.

Additionally, whenever you make a savingthrow and fail, you can spend 1 ki Pointto reroll it and take the second result.

Perfect Ki

At level 15, when you roll Initiative and have 3 KiPoints or fewer, you regain expended KIPoints until you have 4.

Empty Body

Startng at level 18, at the start of your turn, you can spend 3Discipline Points to perfectly bolster yourselfagainst harm for 1 minute or until you have theIncapacitated condition. During that time, youhave resistance to all damage except Forcedamage.

Body and Mind

At level 20, You have honed your body and mind to newheights. Your Dexterity and Wisdom scoresincrease by 4. Your maximum for those scores isnow 24

Warrior of the Hand

Warriors of the Hand are masters of unarmedcombat. They learn techniques to push and triptheir opponents and manipulate their ownenergy to protect themselves from harm.

Open Hand Technique

Whenever you hit a creature with an attackgranted by your Flurry of Blows, you can imposeone of the following effects on that target:

  • Addle. The target can’t make OpportunityAttacks until the start of its next turn.

  • Push. The target must succeed on a Strengthsaving throw, or you push it up to 15 feet awayfrom yourself.

  • Topple. The target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving throw or be knocked prone

Wholeness of Body

You gain the ability to heal yourself. As a BonusAction, you can roll your Martial Arts die. Youregain a number of Hit Points equal to thenumber rolled plus your Wisdom modifier(minimum of 1 Hit Point regained).

You can use this feature a number of timesequal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum ofonce), and you regain all expended uses whenyou finish a Long Rest.

Fleet Step

You can easily stride out of harm’s way. Whenyou take a Bonus Action other than Step of theWind, you can also use Step of the Wind as partof that Bonus Action

Quivering Palm

You gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations insomeone’s body. When you hit a creature withan Unarmed Strike, you can spend 4 KiPoints to start these imperceptible vibrations,which last for a number of days equal to yourMonk level. The vibrations are harmless unlessyou use your action to end them.

Alternatively,when you take the Attack action on your turn,you can replace one of the attacks with thisaction. To use this action, you and the targetmust be on the same plane of existence. Whenyou use this action, the target must make aConstitution saving throw, taking 10d12 Forcedamage on a failed save or half as much damageon a successful one.

You can have only one creature under theeffect of this feature at a time. You can end thevibrations harmlessly without using an action.

Way of Shadow

Warriors ofShadowpracticestealthandsubterfuge,channeling theirreservoirsofpowertoharnessthepower oftheShadowfell.Theyareathomeindarkness,abletodrawgloomaroundthemselvestohide,toleapfromshadowtoshadow,andeventotakeonawraithlikeformoflivingshadow

Shadow Arts


Darkness. Youcanspend1KiPointtocasttheDarkness spellwithoutanyspellcomponents. Youcanseewithin the spell’sareawhenyoucastitwiththisfeature. Whilethespellpersists,youcanmoveits areaofdarknesstoaspacewithin60feetofyouatthestartofeachofyourturns.

Darkvision. YougainDarkvisionwitharangeof60feet.IfyoualreadyhaveDarkvision,itsrangeincreasesby60feet.

ShadowyFigments. YouknowtheMinorIllusioncantrip anduseWisdomasthespellcastingabilityforit.

Shadow Step

WhileentirelywithinDimLightorDarkness,youcan useaBonusAction to teleportupto60feettoanunoccupiedspaceyoucanseethatisalsoinDimLightorDarkness.YouthenhaveAdvantageonthenextmeleeattackyoumakebeforetheendoftheturn.

Improved Shadow Step

Youcandrawonyourconnectiontoshadowtoempoweryourteleportation.WhenyouuseyourShadowStep,youcanspend1KiPointtoremove therequirementthatyou muststartandendinDimLightorDarkness forthatuseofthefeature.AspartofthisBonusAction,youcanmakeanUnarmedStrike immediatelyaftertheteleportation

Cloak of Shadows


Invisibility.YouhavetheInvisible condition.

PartiallyIncorporeal. Youcanmovethroughcreaturesandobjectsasiftheyweredifficultterrain,butyoutake1d10Forcedamageifyouendyourturninsideacreatureoranobject.

ShadowFlurry. Youcanuseyour FlurryofBlowswithoutspendinganyKiPoints.

Way of the Four Elements

ThetraditionoftheFourElementsencompassesMonkswhotapintothepoweroftheElementalPlanesthroughtheirpracticeofmartialarts.SomeoftheseMonksfocusonasingleelement,learningtowreathe theirfistsinfire andcauseexplosiveburstsofflame,ortowieldmightygustsoficywind.


Elemental Attunement

You can use an action to create one of the following effects:

BeckonAir: Youcreateabreeze strongenoughto ripple cloth,stirdust, rustleleaves,andcloseopendoorsandshutters,all ina5-footcube.Doorsandshuttersbeingheld open bysomeoneorsomethingaren’taffected.

Beckon Earth: Youcreateathinshroudofdustorsandthat covers surfacesina5-foot-squarearea,oryoucause asingleword toappear inyourhandwriting in apatchofdirtorsand.

Beckon Fire: Youcreateathincloudofharmlessembersand colored,scentedsmokein a5-footcube. Youchoosethecolorandscent,and theemberscanlightcandles,torches,orlamps inthatarea.Thesmoke’s scentlingersfor1minute.

Beckon Water: Youcreateaspray ofcool mistthatlightlydampenscreatures andobjects in a5-footcube.Alternatively,youcreate1cup ofcleanwater eitherinanopencontaineroronasurface,andthewater evaporatesin1minute.

Elemental Body

Atthestartofyourturn,youcanspend1KiPointtoimbueyourselfwithelementalenergy.Theenergylastsfor10minutes oruntilyouhavetheIncapacitatedcondition. Yougainthefollowingbenefits fortheduration

  • ElementalStrikes.WheneveryouhitwithyourUnarmedStrike,youcancauseittodealyourchoiceofAcid,Cold,Fire,orLightningdamageratherthanitsnormaldamagetype. Additionally, Whenever you spend a ki point, your next unarmed attack deals additional damage equal to your martial arts die

  • Grasp of the elementsWhenyoudealdamagewithanUnarmedStrike,youcanalsoforcethetargettomakeaStrength savingthrow.Onafailedsave,youcanmove thetargetupto10feettowardorawayfromyou,aselementalenergyswirlsaroundit.

  • Reach. WhenyoumakeanUnarmedStrike,yourreachis10feetgreaterthannormal,aselementalenergyextendsfromyou.

Environmental Burst

At level 6, you can create explosive bursts of elements as you buffet your foes. You can spend 1 ki as an action to create one of the following effects:

  • Fist of Unbroken Air: A creature within 30ft of you must make a strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to 3 rolls of your martial arts die and be knocked away from you up to 30 feet. If the creature impacts an object or creature, they stop and take another martial arts die of bludgeoning damage

  • Flames of the Pheonix: Choose a point within 60ft of you. Creatures within a 20ft radius of that point must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take fire damage equal to 3 rolls of your martial arts die, taking half on a success.

  • Glacial Prison: Pillars of Ice erupt around a creature you can see. They must make a dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 cold damage as icicles pierce their flesh, and become restrained. A restrained creature must make an athletics check as an action to break free

  • Wave of Rolling Stone: A wave of stone erupts in a 20ft radius around you as you stomp your foot into the ground. Any creature within the radius must succeed on a strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to 2 rolls of your martial arts die and be knocked prone. Additionally, the area that the wave erupted in conuts as Difficult Terrain for enemies until the start of your next turn

Stride of the Elements

WhenyouuseyourStepoftheWind,yougainaFly Speed andSwimSpeed equaltoyourSpeedfor10 minutes.

Elemental Epitome

When youusetheElementalAttunementfeature,youalso gainthefollowingbenefits fortheduration:

  • DamageResistance. Yougainresistancetooneofthefollowingdamagetypesofyourchoice:Acid,Cold,Fire,orLightning.Atthestartofeachofyourturns,youcanchangethischoice.

  • DestructiveStride. WhenyouuseyourStepoftheWind,yourSpeedincreasesby20feetuntilthe endoftheturn.Forthatduration,anycreatureofyourchoicetakesdamageequaltotworollsofyourMartialArtsdiewhenyouenteraspacewithin5feetofit.The damageisthesametypeyouchoseforthisfeature’sdamageresistance.Acreaturecantakethisdamageonlyonceperturn.


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One DND Monk by Gayzerbeam (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.