8 Queens Puzzle — Base Camp Math (2024)

8 Queens Puzzle

To win the 8 queens puzzle, you need to find a way to place eight queens on an 8x8 chessboard so that no queen can capture any other queen.

The 8 queens problem is a classic puzzle in chessboard mathematics, where the goal is to place eight queens on a standard 8x8 chessboard in such a way that no queen can capture any other queen. This means that no two queens should be placed on the same row, column, or diagonal. The problem was first posed in the mid-1800s and has since been studied extensively in the fields of mathematics and computer science.

The problem is significant because it is an example of a combinatorial optimization problem, which is a type of problem that requires finding the best solution from a large set of possibilities. It is also a classic problem in the study of algorithms and has been used as a benchmark for testing the efficiency of various algorithms.

Solving the 8 queens problem requires a combination of mathematical reasoning and algorithmic thinking. There are several methods for solving the problem, including backtracking, genetic algorithms, and simulated annealing.

To win the 8 queens puzzle, you need to find a way to place eight queens on an 8x8 chessboard so that no queen can capture any other queen. This means that no two queens can be placed on the same row, column, or diagonal.

One way to solve the problem is to use a backtracking algorithm. This involves placing queens on the board one at a time and checking if the placement is valid. If a queen is placed in a position where it can capture another queen, the algorithm backtracks and tries a different position for the previous queen.

Here are the steps to solve the 8 queens problem using a backtracking algorithm:

  1. Start by placing a queen in the first row of the first column.

  2. Move to the second column and place a queen in the first row of that column.

  3. Continue placing queens in the next columns, starting in the first row and moving downwards.

  4. If you reach a point where you cannot place a queen in any row of a particular column without violating the constraints of the puzzle, backtrack to the previous column and try a different row for the queen in that column.

  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until all eight queens have been placed on the board.

  6. Once you have placed all eight queens on the board, you have solved the puzzle.

Note that there are many different ways to solve the 8 queens problem, and the specific algorithm you use may vary depending on your preferences and experience level.

The objective of the eight queens puzzle is to place eight chess queens on an 8x8 chessboard in a way that no two queens threaten each other. This means that there should not be two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal. This problem is a subset of the more general n queens problem, which involves placing n non-attacking queens on an n×n chessboard. Except for n=2 and n=3, solutions are available for all natural numbers n. Although the exact number of solutions is known only for n ≤ 27, the growth rate of solutions is approximately (0.143 n)n.

The eight queens puzzle was first introduced by chess composer Max Bezzel in 1848. Franz Nauck presented the first solutions to the problem in 1850 and also extended it to the n queens problem. Since then, many mathematicians, including Carl Friedrich Gauss, have contributed to the problem. In 1972, Edsger Dijkstra used this problem as an example of structured programming and presented a detailed description of a depth-first backtracking algorithm.

Finding all the solutions to the 8-queens problem can be computationally intensive, as there are over 4 billion possible arrangements of eight queens on an 8x8 board, but only 92 solutions. There are various ways to reduce computational requirements, such as applying a rule that chooses one queen from each column, which reduces the number of possibilities to 16.8 million. By generating permutations and checking for diagonal attacks, the possibilities can be further reduced to just 40,320.

There are 92 distinct solutions to the eight queens puzzle. However, if solutions that differ only by the symmetry operations of rotation and reflection of the board are counted as one, then there are only 12 fundamental solutions. Each fundamental solution has eight variants obtained by rotating and reflecting it. One of the fundamental solutions has only four variants, and such solutions have only two variants. Hence, the total number of distinct solutions is 92.

8 Queens Puzzle — Base Camp Math (2024)


How many solutions to the 8 Queens problem are there? ›

"The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal. There are 92 solutions.

Is the 8 Queens problem solvable? ›

The problem of finding all solutions to the 8-queens problem can be quite computationally expensive, as there are 4,426,165,368 possible arrangements of eight queens on an 8×8 board, but only 92 solutions.

How many possible solutions exist for an 8 problem? ›

The 8 Queen Problem is a puzzle in which 8 queens must be placed on an 8x8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. It is a classic problem in computer science and mathematics. There are 92 solutions to this problem.

Is 8 queens problem np complete? ›

The problem of putting eight queens on the chess board so as no queen attacks another is a solved problem, as is placing n queens on an nxn board. However if you place some queens on the board and ask for a completion then the problem is NP complete.

What is the complexity of the 8 queens problem? ›

Approach: Bruteforce

A simple brute-force solution would be to generate all possible chess boards with 8 queens. Accordingly, there would be N^2 positions to place the first queen, N^2 – 1 position to place the second queen and so on. The total time complexity, in this case, would be O(N^(2N)), which is too high.

What is the prize for the 8 queens problem? ›

The underlying problem is one of the most major unsolved problems in computer science and mathematics. Known as P versus NP, it is one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems which carry the million dollar reward for their first correct solution.

What is the backtracking strategy for the 8 queens problem? ›

Backtracking Approach

Start in the leftmost column. If all queens are placed, then return true. Try all rows in the current column. For each row, if the queen can be placed safely in this row, then mark this cell and try to solve the problem recursively for the rest of the columns.

What is the initial state for 8 queens problem? ›

States: any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on the board. Initial state: 0 queens on the board. Successor function: add a queen in any square. Goal test: 8 queens on the board, none attacked.

How to solve n queens problem? ›

The idea is to place queens one by one in different columns, starting from the leftmost column. When we place a queen in a column, we check for clashes with already placed queens. In the current column, if we find a row for which there is no clash, we mark this row and column as part of the solution.

How can I solve my puzzle? ›

Our Top 7 Tricks To Complete Puzzles Like The Pros
  1. Turn all the pieces up the right way. ...
  2. Start with the borders. ...
  3. Sort the pieces into similar colours and build from there. ...
  4. Work on smaller images within the bigger image. ...
  5. Sort pieces into the same shapes (especially if you're struggling at the end with one block of colour)
Aug 20, 2021

How many solutions are possible for the N-queens problem? ›

It has long been known that there are 92 solutions to the problem. Of these 92, there are 12 distinct patterns. All of the 92 solutions can be transformed into one of these 12 unique patterns using rotations and reflections. The 12 basic solutions can be constructed using the following table.

How many solutions are there for the 8 queens problem a 93 b 91 c 12 d 92? ›

Explanation: For 8*8 chess board with 8 queens there are total of 92 solutions for the puzzle. There are total of 12 fundamental solutions to the eight queen puzzle.

How many queens can be placed on a chessboard such that none is a target of any other? ›

The eight-queens is a classic logic puzzle. The task is to place eight queens on a chessboard in such a fashion that no queen can attack any other queen. A solution is shown in Figure 6.1, but this solution is not unique. The eight-queens puzzle is often used to illustrate problem-solving or backtracking techniques.


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